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Table 1 Roles of the study participants in the ASRH intervention

From: To what extent did implementing a community-embedded intervention align with the goals and roles of stakeholders in adolescent sexual and reproductive health?

Intervention stakeholder

Role in the intervention

Formal healthcare providers

Provision of adolescent-friendly SRH services to the adolescents

Informal healthcare providers

PMVs provide adolescent-friendly SRH services to adolescents and refer where necessary

CHWs visit adolescents in the communities and provide SRH education. The CHWs also served as young adult mentors to the adolescents

Parents of adolescents

Participating in community group meetings

Policy makers and program managers

Supportive supervision of the provision of the implementation of school health clubs, provision of SRH services by trained health workers and community group meetings

School teachers

Facilitating school health clubs and providing SRH information through the clubs to the adolescents

Community leaders

Mobilizing community members for community group meetings