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Table 1 The content of the educational sessions based on the theory of planned behavior

From: An integrated theory based-educational intervention to change intention to have a child: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial


Main purpose

Educational materials

Educational methods and time schedule


Improving couples’ knowledge and attitudes toward


Booklet (including contents of all sessions)

Pamphlet of the first session

1) Introducing presenter and participants and explaining study aims (10 min)

2) Giving information on effect of advanced ages on fertility capacity of couples and the pregnancy’s complications (40 min)

3) Question and answer (10 min)


Addressing the role of subjective norms in childbearing


Pamphlet of the second session

1) Reviewing previous session (5 min)

2) Giving information related to Islamic beliefs on childbearing and the importance of having a child on the religious and social perspectives of Iran (15 min)

3) Presenter will use the psychodrama method. In this method two female volunteer who have at least one child role‐play problems and release their intense emotions in regard to the child, then the presenter will guide their subjective norms (37) (30 min)

4) Question and answer (10 min)


Addressing the role of perceived behavioral control in childbearing


Pamphlet of the third session


1) Review of previous session (5 min)

2) Giving information on requirements and cares for becoming pregnant, prenatal cares, and care of newborn (30 min)

3) Presenting a short video which shows how a baby develops (5 min)

Showing how to provide care during pregnancy and for newborn (10 min)

4) Showing videos of care of newborn (10 min)

5) Question and answer (10 min)


Addressing the behavioral intention and explaining how childbearing will change couple’s life


Pamphlet of the fourth session


1) Reviewing previous session (5 min)

2) Giving information on advantages of having a child from cultural, religious and social perspectives (10 min)

3) Showing videos of successful childbearing expression (10 min)

4) Question and answer (10 min)