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Table 3 Relative differences in percentage in semen characteristics by delivery mode, the FEPOS cohort, Denmark, 1998–2019

From: Birth by caesarean section and semen quality in adulthood: a Danish population-based cohort study

Semen parameters

Number of observationsa

Relative differences in percentage b

Unadjusted model

Adjusted model


% (95% CI)

Semen volumef


5.6 (− 6.8 to 18.5)

5.3 (− 5.3 to 17.1)c

Total sperm countf


0.9 (− 17.4 to 22.3)

− 0.8 (− 14.9 to 15.8)c

Sperm concentration


5.4 (− 11.7 to 24.2)

4.3 (− 11.2 to 22.5)d

Non-progressive motilitygh


− 6.0 (− 13.8 to 1.3)

− 7.5 (− 14.1 to − 0.4)e

Morphologically normal spermg


2.0 (− 11.5 to 17.4)

− 2.0 (− 14.2 to 11.8)d

  1. aNumber of observations in adjusted model for each parameters
  2. bRelative percentage differences were obtained using sons born of vaginal delivery as the reference
  3. cAdjusted for maternal age at delivery, highest socioeconomic status of parents, maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal smoking in the 1st trimester, place of semen sample collection, abstinence time
  4. dFurther adjusted for spillage
  5. eFurther adjusted for spillage and interval from ejaculation to analysis
  6. f180 samples were excluded for the analyses on semen volume and total sperm count due to spillage
  7. gFor non-progressive motility and morphology, 17 samples were not available for analyses due to azoospermia
  8. hNon-progressive motility was modeled as (non-progressive + immotile spermatozoa) %, and a negative estimate indicated a relatively lower non-progressive motility (ie. higher progressive motility)