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Table 2 Interview Questions

From: A qualitative study of Ottawa university students’ awareness, knowledge and perceptions of infertility, infertility risk factors and assisted reproductive technologies (ART)



Infertility: definition, diagnosis

Define infertility

How is infertility diagnosed?

Causes of infertility

What are some of the causes of infertility among women? What is the biggest cause?

What are some of the causes of infertility among men?

Does age affect infertility for men? YES/NO

Does age affect infertility for women? YES/NO

At what age is there a marked decrease in women’s ability to become pregnant? Please select from: 25–34; 35–39; 40–44; 45+; no association between age and ability to become pregnant

Infertility treatment: options, success

What options are available for those who are infertile?

For couples that undergo treatment with in vitro fertilization, how likely are they of having a child?

Can infertility be cured?

In the event of personal infertility…

If you were infertile, which of the following options - adoption, surgery IVF, medication/pills or not having children -would you consider? What factors made you choose [selected infertility options]?