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Table 1 Preconception interventions and their delivery according to the level of care

From: Preconception care: delivery strategies and packages for care


Level of care





Promoting Reproductive health

Promoting adolescent health




Preventing first and repeat pregnancy in adolescence




Birth spacing




Reproductive planning after abortion



Advanced maternal age




Genetic counselling




Nutritional status and supplementation

Maternal pre-pregnancy weight




Diet, exercise and weight loss




Folic acid supplementation




Multivitamins supplementation




Iron supplementation




Preventing and treating infections

Sexually transmitted infections




HIV/AIDS prevention strategies




Vaccine usage




Periodontal disease and dental caries








Screening and management of chronic diseases





Epilepsy management



Management of Phenylketonuria



Thyroid disorders



Systemic Lupus Erythromatoses and other connective tissue diseases



Medication use




Mental health




Intimate partner violence




Substance abuse and lifestyle changes

Caffeine intake




Alcohol intake




Smoking cessation




Illicit drugs consumption




Ameliorating environmental exposures such as chemical and radiations

