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Table 1 The criteria for a near-miss case for each specific organ system according to Mantel.

From: Evaluation of a strict protocol approach in managing women with severe disease due to hypertension in pregnancy: A before and after study

Organ system-based


Cardiac dysfunction

Pulmonary oedema

Cardiac arrest

Vascular dysfunction

Hypovolaemia requiring ≥ 5 units of blood products

Immunological dysfunction

ICU admission for sepsis

Emergency hysterectomy for sepsis

Respiratory dysfunction

Intubation and ventilation for any reason other than general anaesthesia

Oxygen saturation of less than 90% for more than 60 min

The ratio of the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood to the percentage oxygen in inspired air is ≤ 3 (paO2/FiO2 ≤ 3)

Renal dysfunction

Oliguria, ≤ 400 ml/24 hr that does not respond to careful fluid replacement or attempts at inducing with dopamine or infusion

Acute deterioration in urea > 15 mmol/l or of creatinine to > 400 mmol/l

Liver dysfunction

Jaundice in the presence of pre-eclampsia

Metabolic dysfunction

Diabetic keto-acidosis

Coagulation dysfunction

Acute thrombocytopenia requiring a platelet transfusion

Cerebral dysfunction

Coma lasting > 12 hours

Subarachnoid or intracerebral haemorrhage