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Table 3 Intervention 2: Self-directed learning (Passive dissemination of RHL-EBM documents)

From: A cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the clinically integrated RHL evidence -based medicine course

Description of the intervention

A course developed by WHO RHR in collaboration with South African Cochrane Centre. This course is implemented either through workshops or simple dissemination of course materials.


To familiarise course participants with evidence based medicine (EBM) basics to help incorporate evidence from systematic reviews into practice.

Target participants

Trainee doctors.

Learning objectives

Upon the completion of the course, participants should be competently able to:

•generate structured questions arising from clinical problems in practice

•search relevant literature, identifying systematic reviews wherever possible

•assess the quality (validity) of systematic reviews and primary research included within them

•assess the applicability of research findings in clinical practice

Reading/Learning Resource

6 Powerpoint presentations

WHO Reproductive Health Library CD-ROM/internet version

Learning/teaching methods

Participant initiated learning using electronic resources provided

Student Directed Learning

e-learning (approximately 10 hours learning time)

Contact time

No structured planned contact time. Participants will have access to the online powerpoint presentations for 8 weeks after they have completed the baseline assessment.


Multiple choice questions to test knowledge

Questionnaire to test attitudes

OSCE to test competencies

Questionnaire on educational environment (EBMEEM).