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Table 6 Political process that strengthened the implementation of the AFHS Model in Colombia

From: Documenting good practices: scaling up the youth friendly health service model in Colombia


Creation of the National Institute for Youth and Sports


Creation of the Presidential Program for Youth, Woman and Family


Launch of the Manual of Technical and Administrative Regulations for Comprehensive Care of Youth


Creation of the Vice Ministry of Youth, under the Ministry of Education.


In 2000 becomes the Presidential Program Young Colombia


Enactment of Act 375 or Youth Law


Enactment of the National Policy on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH)


Circular 18. Health insurance companies and local secretaries of health guarantee care for young people


Act 1098. Code for Children and Adolescents. Guarantees free access to SRH services for young people, development of programs to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and priority attention to adolescent mothers


Sentence C355 and Decree 4444. Decriminalize abortion in case of: a) Pregnancy endangers life/health of women, b) Severe fetal malformation, c) Pregnancy result of sexual intercourse or sexual act without consent


Decree 3039. Adopts the National Plan of Public Health and joins the Plan Andino to Prevent Adolescent Pregnancy


Act 1122. Recommends the implementation of the Adolescent Friendly Health Services (AFHS) Model


Beginning of the national implementation of the model AFHS


Resolution 425. Collective Intervention Plan. Contemplates mandatory implementation of the AFHS model


Decree 2968. Creates the National Inter-sectorial Commission to promote and guarantee sexual and reproductive rights

  1. Source: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social Colombia, UNFPA. (2007). Servicios amigables en salud para adolescentes y jóvenes. Un modelo para adecuar las respuestas de los servicios de salud a las necesidades de adolescentes y jóvenes de Colombia. Bogotá D.C., Colombia
  2. Mejía-Gómez ML, Montoya-Chica P, Blanco-Rojas AJ, et al. (2010). Barreras para el acceso de adolescentes y jóvenes a servicios de salud. Propuesta para su identificación y superación. Documento regional - 2010 Bogotá D.C., Colombia
  3. Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social Colombia. (2010). La implementación de servicios de salud amigables para adolescentes y jóvenes en el departamento de Huila. La experiencia de las ESE de Campoalegre, La Plata y Neiva. Bogotá D.C