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Table 7 Measurement tools to assess the quality and coverage of the AFHS Model

From: Documenting good practices: scaling up the youth friendly health service model in Colombia

• → Vital statistics DANE (Births and deaths)


• → Individual registry of service provision (RIPS in Spanish)


• → Single registry of affiliates to the social protection system (RUAF in Spanish)


• → Management system indicators


• → Annex A4 – Tool to analyse health services based on the components of the AFHS model


• → Annex A11 – Self-administered survey for adolescents and young people

  1. Source: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social Colombia, UNFPA. (2007). Servicios amigables en salud para adolescentes y jóvenes. Un modelo para adecuar las respuestas de los servicios de salud a las necesidades de adolescentes y jóvenes de Colombia. Bogotá D.C., Colombia