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Table 1 Description of singleton term births

From: Perinatal mortality associated with use of uterotonics outside of Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care: a cross-sectional study


All Singleton term births ≥37 weeks

n = 22426

Group reporting outside uterotonics

n = 1260

Perinatal Deaths

 Fresh Still Births

361 (1 · 6 %)

63 (5 · 0 %)

 Macerated Still Births

191 (0 · 9 %)

8 (0 · 6 %)

 Unspecified Still Births

5 (0 · 0 %)

3 (0 · 2 %)

 Total early Neonatal deaths

318 (1 · 4 %)

53 (4 · 2 %)

 Neonatal deaths from Birth Asphyxia

229 (1 · 0 %)

41 (3 · 3 %)

 Total Perinatal deaths

875 (3 · 9 %)

124 (9 · 8 %)

Birth Complications

 Prolonged labor (>12 h)

1289 (5 · 7 %)

185 (14 · 4 %)

 Pre-eclampsia (Moderate)

63 (0 · 3 %)

5 (0 · 4 %)

 Pre-eclampsia (Severe)

303 (1 · 4 %)

12 (1 · 0 %)


261 (1 · 2 %)

13 (1 · 0 %)

Hospital Procedures


4953 (21 · 1 %)

484 (38 · 4 %)

 Cesarians due to fetal compromise

1501 (6 · 7 %)

97 (7 · 7 %)

 Uterotonic to augment or induce

7516 (33 · 5 %)

435 (34 · 5 %)

  1. % of births in parentheses