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Table 3 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Discrimination against childbearing Romani women in maternity care in Europe: a mixed-methods systematic review


Romani women or their infants living in countries that are members of the Council of Europe

Maternity healthcare staff working with Romani women in countries that are members of the Council of Europe

Intervention (Question 2 only)

Aims to address discrimination in maternity care

Occurs during pregnancy or the postnatal period up to 42 days after birth

Addresses the design or provision of maternal and newborn care

Not interventions with the newborn in the absence of involving the mother

Not interventions limited to reproductive technologies or termination services


(Question 2 only)

Study includes a control group who did not receive the intervention or program


The accessibility or availability or acceptability or quality of maternal or infant health goods, facilities or services

Data from health care workers about their experience of caring for childbearing Romani women or their attitudes/beliefs about childbearing Romani women and their infants

Study Type

Any peer reviewed quantitative, quantitative or mixed-methods primary research studies or systematic reviews of these studies.

Only studies with full text

Grey literature


Available in English


No date limits