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Table 5 Summary of program barriers and enablers related to the healthcare professionals and to the women and their families

From: Barriers and enablers in the implementation of a program to reduce cesarean deliveries


Barriers and enablers


Barriers and enablers

Factors related to the motivation and attitudes of healthcare professionals

Legal and medical pressure and professional prestige


- Professionals end up doing Defensive Medicine or conservative clinical practice; the specific nature of obstetrics and gynecology mean the pressure is higher in this specialty.

- Doing a cesarean is considered a safe-conduct in the event of a legal dispute

- The responsibility falls more on medical professionals than on midwives


- Pressure due to professional prestige, and individual responsibility

Econ-omic incen-tives, compensation


- Absence of non-economic incentive system

- Questions regarding validity of individual evaluations of personnel. Suspicion that the audits do not take into account the causative factors


- The economic incentives are low and do not appear to be enablers

- Satisfaction gleaned from doing a good job, recognition by the patients of the care provided

- The audits, if they are positive, serve as positive reinforcement of an individual’s clinical practice and if they are negative they facilitate improvement.

Personal situation and clinical skill


- Demotivation caused by changes related to the economic crisis and deterioration of working conditions.

- Practices sometimes based on convenience for the professional

- Some obstetric practices are no longer used, such as external version, and know-how is being lost because they are no longer taught. Some instrumental practices are not as well known as before, while providers continue to use and have a good command of cesarean deliveries.

Factors related to the women giving birth and their families

Pressure on professionals


- Fear of pain

- Bad experiences in past or of close friends/family.

- Impatience in waiting for delivery to progress naturally

- Pre-conceived ideas about the “ideal delivery”.


- Improved information circuits for patients and their families

Trust in the professionals


- Reduced prestige of hospital

- Distrust and fear of National Healthcare System and its professionals.


- The main fear for conquering fears and prejudices is communication.

- Communication and information exchange during entire gestation is fundamental: women in labor are less likely to assimilate new information.



- Misinformation based on confusion and myths

- Excess of information may overwhelm women

- Contradictions in information from the private system (used for care during pregnancy) and the public system



- Patients who have little decision-making capacity

- Women who want to have “too much” control


- Patients who are well-informed by midwife and gynecologist and do not have too many external influences

- Patients who know that birth is physiological and natural and the less intervention the better