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Table 2 Top (highest scoring) research priority questions by reproductive health experts

From: Research priority-setting: reproductive health in the occupied Palestinian territory

Service Providers

 Assess community preparedness and acceptability regarding reproductive system cancers

 Evaluate the level of community knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions towards prenatal, antenatal, and postnatal services; RTI/STIs; abortion and miscarriage services; family planning and contraception; and the role of men in family planning

 Evaluate the level of community knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions towards reproductive system cancers including screening and detection


 Assess and evaluate the support system for women with reproductive system cancers during labor and the postnatal period

 Assess and evaluate the methods adopted by health professionals in spreading awareness and education on reproductive health among adolescents

 Understand the Epidemiology (prevalence/ distribution/ determinants/ associated factors) of high risk pregnancies

 Evaluate the effectiveness of existing reproductive health services to prevent post-partum hemorrhage

 Assess the availability of the types of services provided for family planning, postnatal care, labor, and delivery

Clinical Gynecologist

 Assess the availability of the types of services provided for antenatal care, reproductive system cancers, nutrition, and infertility

 Assess the protocols and guidelines implementation cycle (availability, comprehensiveness, knowledge, training, and application) regarding early marriage and teenage pregnancy

 Assess the affordability and access to Antenatal care, postnatal care, labor, abortion, and miscarriage services

Other Ministries

 Assess the availability of the types of services provided for antenatal care; reproductive system cancers; RTIs/STIs; menopause; infertility; GBV; early marriage and teenage pregnancies

 Understand the Epidemiology (prevalence/ distribution/ determinants/ associated factors) for post-partum hemorrhage