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Table 1 Survey questions and variable names included in the respectful maternity care analyses categorized by White Ribbon Alliance Respectful Maternity Care Charter Article—Kigoma Region, Tanzania, April–July 2016

From: Patient and provider determinants for receipt of three dimensions of respectful maternity care in Kigoma Region, Tanzania-April-July, 2016

White Ribbon Alliance Respectful Maternity Care Charter

Survey Question

Corresponding Variable Name

Article I: Every woman has the right to be free from harm and ill treatment

Did any of the health facility staff ever physically abuse you during your visit? By physical abuse, we mean, did they hit, slap, push, kick you, or use any other type of physical force against you.

Absence of physical abuse

Article II: Every woman has the right to information, informed consent and refusal, and respect for her choices and preferences, including the right to her choice of companionship during maternity care, whenever possible

Did the staff explain what will happen during your labor and delivery?

Explain what will happen

Did the staff get your consent before proceeding with procedures and exams?

Consent before procedures/exams

Did the staff explain procedures or exams before proceeding?

Explain procedures/exam beforehand

Did the staff inform you of the findings from procedures and exams?

Inform about findings from procedures/exams

Did you feel the information given to you during your visit was too little, just about right, or too much?

Right amount of information

Did the staff ask if you have questions?

Provider asked if any questions

Did the staff encourage you to have a support person with you throughout labor and delivery?

Provider encouraged companion

Did you feel comfortable to ask questions during the visit?

Client comfortable asking questions

Summative Index: Did the staff…

 • Counsel you about danger signs you should look for in yourself such as too much bleeding, fever, or breast pain?

 • Counsel you about danger signs you should look for in your baby such as refusing to breastfeed, fever, or convulsions (fits)?

 • Tell you what to do if you or the baby have any problems?

 • Counsel you on good body hygiene to prevent infections?

 • Counsel you on breastfeeding?

 • Counsel you about exclusive breastfeeding (not using any other fluid/food except breastmilk)?

 • Ask about your reproductive goals? By reproductive goals, we mean did the provider ask about your desire to have children in the future or to use family planning.

 • Counsel you on when you can have sex with your husband/partner?

 • Counsel you on when you can bear another pregnancy?

 • Counsel you on the risks of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV?

 • Counsel you on how to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV?

 • Tell you when to return for a follow-up visit?

Index for receipt of post-delivery counseling

Article III: Every woman has the right to privacy and confidentiality

Do you believe the information you shared about yourself with the health care provider will be kept confidential?

Client feels provider will keep information confidential

Did the staff provide privacy during counseling or exams such as using a private room, screens, curtains, or cloths to cover you?

Given privacy for exams or counseling

When meeting with the health care provider during the visit, do you think other clients could hear what you said?

Other clients could not hear discussions

Article IV: Every woman has the right to be treated with dignity and respect

Did the staff introduce themselves?

Provider introduced self

Did the staff greet you respectfully?

Greeted respectfully

Did any of the staff ever emotionally abuse you during your visit? By emotional abuse, we mean, did they speak or act in an angry or condescending way that made you feel badly about yourself, degraded, embarrassed, or sad?

Absence of emotional abuse

Did the staff interact in a friendly way?

Interacts in a friendly way

Overall, how would you rate the staff’s kindness in the way they spoke to you during this visit?


Overall, how would you rate the staff’s level of encouragement during labor and delivery?


How would you rate the facility’s level of cleanliness?

Level of cleanliness

Did the staff advise you on what you could do to make yourself more comfortable when you were in pain?

Advised of comfort measures

Summative Index: What comfort measures did the staff provide to make you more comfortable?

 • Rubbed back

 • Offered fluids to drink

 • Offered food to eat

 • Assisted in changing position

 • Helped to walk around

 • Used encouraging words

Index for receipt of comfort measures

Article V: Every woman has the right to equality, freedom from discrimination, and equitable care

None available

None available

Article VI: Every woman has the right to healthcare and to the highest attainable level of health

Did the staff come to attend to you if you called for help?

Provider came when called

Did the staff pay close attention to you throughout labor and delivery?

Close attention in labor

Did the health care staff visit you regularly during the course of labor?

Visited regularly in labor

Was a health care provider with you at the moment of delivery?

Provider present at delivery

Did you feel that your waiting time (when you first arrived at this facility and the time you saw a staff person for a consultation) was reasonable or too long?

Wait time from arrival to care

How long ago was your new baby born? (proxy measure from birth to time from time of exit interview)

Discharge time 24 h or more after delivery

Did the facility provider supplies for your labor and delivery care?

Facility provided birth supplies

Article VII: Every woman has the right to liberty, autonomy, self-determination, and freedom from coercion

None available

None available