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Table 1 Exploratory factor analysis Birth Preparedness Questionnaire using maximum likelihood method and promax rotation among 138 rural adults in Tanzania

From: Evaluation of a family-oriented antenatal group educational program in rural Tanzania: a pre-test/post-test study










Factor 1: Home-based value


I plan to give birth at home. (reverse item)









I want (I want her) to give birth at home with family because we do not know people in health care facilities (reverse item)









God will help me, so I don’t plan anything for childbirth. (reverse item)









A pregnant woman should stay at home to give birth if no one else takes care of the children in the family. (reverse item)









A woman should give birth at home if her husband does not allow her to go to a health center. (reverse item)









I like to give birth with traditional birth attendants because they are kinder than nurses at the hospital. (reverse item)









A baby belongs to the family, so woman should follow their family’s wishes about where to give birth. (reverse item)








Factor 2: Birth preparedness


My family members think it is okay for me to access health care.









I have someone who can go with me when going to a health care facility for birth









I have someone who can take over my family responsibilities when I need to go to a health center.









I know where to find a health care facility for delivery and emergencies.









I can identify where a trained health care provider is to help me.








Factor 3: Family support


I will prepare for childbirth with my family









A woman should discuss her birth with her husband and other family members.









It is better to go to a health center for deliveries with family members because of their support.









I am going to give birth at a health care facility








Factor 4: Avoidance of medical intervention


I would not go to a health center because I do not want a C-section or a vaginal cut. (reverse item)









It is okay to give birth at home when a pregnant women and her baby have no problems. (reverse item)








Factor 5: Provision of money and food


I have saved enough money to reach a health facility for birth.









I plan to eat healthy during my pregnancy.








Factor 6: Preference of SBA


I will visit a health centre if there is a problem for my baby or me after delivery.









I want to be with doctors and nurses during childbirth because they are the experts.








Factor 7: Pregnant women’s workload


Women should rest and should not work hard during their pregnancy.









A woman should work hard for her family during pregnancy. (reverse item)








  1. Component values are captured in bold