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Table 3 Knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and intention preconception counselling (mean;SD)

From: Preconception counselling for low health literate women: an exploration of determinants in the Netherlands


Knowledge risk factors (1–6)

Attitude (1–5)

Self-efficacy (1–5)

Intention (1–5)

Total population (n = 139)

4.61 (1.25)

3.96 (0.58)

4.19 (0.64)

3.05 (1.30)

Educational level

 Low (n = 10)

3.70 (1.49)1

3.75 (0.56)

3.80 (0.63)

3.60 (1.71)

 Intermediate (n = 81)

4.38 (1.18)2

3.99 (0.62)

4.26 (0.61)

3.14 (1.27)

 High (n = 48)

5.17 (1.04)1 2

3.96 (0.54)

4.21 (0.59)

2.79 (1.24)

Ethnic background

 Dutch (n = 54)

5.00 (1.06)3

4.03 (0.65)

4.42 (0.60)3

2.80 (1.12)

 Other Western (n = 23)

5.00 (1.49)4

3.93 (0.62)

4.27 (0.55)

3.13 (1.42)

 Non-Western (n = 62)

4.17 (1.18)3 4

3.91 (0.51)

3.97 (0.63)3

3.24 (1.39)

  1. 23 missings on knowledge
  2. 3 missings on attitude
  3. 3 missings on self-efficacy
  4. 1Difference between low and high educational level (p < 0.05)
  5. 2Difference between intermediate and high educational level (p < 0.05)
  6. 3Difference between Dutch and Non-Western ethnic group (p < 0.05)
  7. 4Difference between Western and Non-Western ethnic group (p < 0.05)