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Table 3 Study participants’ practice with MVA prior to the training sessions (n = 53)

From: “Confidence comes with frequent practice”: health professionals’ perceptions of using manual vacuum aspiration after a training program


Practice n (%)

How many times have you performed uterine evacuation?


8 (15.1)


3 (5.7)


39 (73.6)

 Not answered

3 (5.6)

Which method did you use the last time and why?


32 (60.4)

 The method I prefer

4 (12.9)

 The method available

7 (22.6)

 The one I was told

4 (12.9)


16 (51.6)

Manual Vacuum Aspiration

9 (17.0)

 The method I prefer

6 (40.0)

 The method available

0 (0.0)

 The one I was told

6 (40.0)


3 (20.0)


0 (0.0)

Not answered

12 (22.6)

Is time a limiting factor when choosing treatment?


29 (55.8)


23 (44.2)

Is lack of equipment a problem?


46 (86.8)


7 (13.2)

  1. aOther factors given included safer, 2nd trimester, easier, and most familiar method