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Table 1 Study Participants for KIIs and IDPIs

From: Exploring perspectives, preferences and needs of a telemonitoring program for women at high risk for preeclampsia in a tertiary health facility of Karachi: a qualitative study protocol

Participants for Key-informant Interviews (KIIs)

Sample Range

Obstetricians at JPMC & AKUH

03–05 KIIs

Healthcare providers at JPMC (Doctors/ nurses/ midwives)

03–05 KIIs

Maternal, neonatal and child health specialists at NGOs and AKUH

03–05 KIIs

Telemonitoring experts at AKDNdHRC

03–05 KIIs

Participants for In-depth Patient Interviews (IDPIs)

Sample Range

Pregnant women at high risk of pre-eclampsia (HRPE) who are visiting the OPD/antenatal clinics of JPMC hospital for antenatal check-ups and immunizations

10–15 IDIs