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Table 1 In-depth Interview Guide

From: Obstetric fistula in southern Mozambique: a qualitative study on women’s experiences of care pregnancy, delivery and post-partum

How was your experience with your last birth?

 • How old were you when you became pregnant?

 • Did you have any problems during your pregnancy?

 • Did you get an antenatal card?

Could you tell us about your childbirth experience?

 • What symptoms did you perceive before your labour started?

 • Did you sought any kind of healthcare when the labour pain started?

 • Did you have any complication?

 • What was the result of the pregnancy?

How did you get to the health facility?

 • How was your experience in the health facility?

 • Have you experienced any delay in receiving care or to attend you?

Could you tell me about the problem you had after your last childbirth?

 • How did you feel when you realized that you had this complication?

 • How does this problem affect your daily life?

 • Did you seek healthcare when the symptoms started?

What do you think might have caused this problem?

 • Do you think that your problem could have been avoided? How?

 • How does the community perceive a woman with a fistula?

How do you see your future after the fistula repair?

 • Do you know how to solve this fistula problem?

 • Do you think you can have children?

 • What do you think that can help you to start a new life after the surgical repair?

 • What are your dreams, expectations for the next 5 years from now?