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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Minimum initial service package (MISP) for sexual and reproductive health for women in a displacement setting: a narrative review on the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon




Population of interest

Syrian refugee women receiving MISP or other SRH services and interventions in Lebanon

Studies focusing on other refugee populations in Lebanon or those that did not address SRH services and needs among Syrian women

Health outcomes

Primary outcomes (prevention of SGBV, maternal mortality and morbidity, HIV and STI prevention). Secondary outcomes (response to needs of SGBV survivors, prevention of unintended pregnancies)

Studies which did not quantify the MISP and/or SRH-related health indicators


Interventions and programs seeking to improve SRH outcomes in Lebanon


Humanitarian crisis

Studies on the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon

Syrian refugees residing in neighboring countries, those displaced prior to the civil war (2011), Palestinian refugees from Syria, and other refugee populations in Lebanon

Study design

All study designs (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods)


Publication type

Peer reviewed studies and reports from international agencies

Manuscripts that had not undergone peer-review, such as dissertations and conference abstracts

Publication date

February 2011 to May 2019


