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Table 2 Indicators measuring the effects of PAC

From: Effects of implementing a postabortion care strategy in Kinshasa referral hospitals, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Strategic components of the PAC

Indicators measuring effects

Operational definition

Awareness of the population

Proportion of patients admitted for induced-abortion complications

Proportion of patients diagnosed as having induced-abortion complications among all gynecologic obstetric emergencies

Proportion of cases of pelviperitonitis

Proportion of cases of pelviperitonitis at admission among all types of induced-abortion complication

Proportion of other varieties of abortion complications

Proportion of cases of hemorrhage, endometritis, pelvic abscess, and sepsis diagnosed at admission among all induced-abortion complications

Acquisition of clinical skills

Frequency of adequate manual vacuum aspiration

Frequency of intrauterine manual vacuum aspirations performed by a trained provider

Frequency of dilatation-curettage

Frequency of curettage performed by a trained provider

Treatment of complications of induced abortion

Duration of hospitalization

Number of days between admission and discharge among survivors

Mortality following complications of induced abortion

Proportion of deaths among patients admitted for an induced-abortion complication

Counseling on family planning

Proportion of patients who received a modern contraceptive method

Proportion of patients who received a modern contraceptive method (contraceptive implant, patch, intrauterine device, contraceptive pill,…) after treatment of the induced-abortion complication