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Table 1 Contents of the questionnaires to measure knowledge on intrapartum care

From: Knowledge on intrapartum care practices among skilled birth attendants in Cambodia—a cross-sectional study

I. Knowledge on monitoring items (10 items)


Expected answer

Progress of labour

Cervical dilatation


Uterine contraction


Foetal head descent

Foetal condition

Foetal heart rate (FHR)


Amniotic fluid


Moulding of foetal head

Maternal condition



Blood pressure


Body temperature


Urine volume

II-1. Knowledge on criteria for diagnosis or normal range of the items (9 items)



Expected answer

Progress of labour

Beginning of active phase in the 1st stage

From 3 cm of dilatation of uterine cervix

End of 1st stage; or beginning of 2nd stage

At full dilatation of uterine cervix

End of 2nd stage; or beginning of 3rd stage

At expulsion of baby

End 3rd stage; or beginning of 4th stage

At expulsion of placenta

End of 4th stage

2 h after delivery

Foetal condition

Upper normal limit of FHR

160 beats per minutes

Lower normal limit of FHR

120 beats per minutes

Maternal condition

Diagnosis of hypertension

Systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or more; or Diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or more

Abnormal amount of PPH

500 ml or more

II-2. Knowledge on recommended interval of monitoring (7 items)



Expected answer

Progress of labour

Cervical dilatation, 1st stage

Every 4 h

Uterine contraction, 1st stage

Every 30 min

Foetal condition

FHR, 1st stage

Every 30 min

FHR, 2nd stage

Every 5 min

Maternal condition


Every 1 h

Blood pressure

Every 1 h