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Table 1 Search strategy for PubMed

From: Motherhood and decision-making among women living with HIV in developed countries: a systematic review with qualitative research synthesisMaternidad y toma de decisiones en mujeres que viven con el VIH en países desarrollados: una revisión sistemática con síntesis de investigación cualitativa

("Reproductive Health" [Mesh]) AND women living with HIV

("Decision Making" [Mesh]) AND "Fertility" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

("Reproductive Behavior" [Mesh]) AND "Fertility" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

("Reproductive Behavior" [Mesh]) AND "Decision Making" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

("Reproductive Behavior" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

("Fertility" [Mesh]) AND "Intention" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

("Reproduction" [Mesh]) AND "Decision Making" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

("Decision Making" [Mesh]) AND "Reproductive Health" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

("Family Planning Services" [Mesh]) AND "HIV" [Mesh]

Childbearing decision AND HIV

Childbearing decision AND AIDS

Reproductive AND decision making AND HIV

Reproductive AND decision making AND AIDS

Fertility intention AND HIV

Fertility intention AND AIDS

Fertility AND decision making AND HIV

Fertility AND decision making AND AIDS

Child desire AND AIDS

Child desire AND HIV

Reproductive choice AND women living with HIV