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Table 2 Main categories and sub-categories emerged of married adolescent girls’ experiences and sexual and reproductive needs

From: Transition into the sexual and reproductive role: a qualitative exploration of Iranian married adolescent girls’ needs and experiences

Main category


Preparing for marriage

No preparation for the marital role

Lack of couple communication skills

Not participating in family decision-making

Enhancing teens awareness and decision-making on sexual and reproductive issues

Inadequate premarital sexual education forced first sexual experience on wedding night Unplanned and unwanted pregnancy

Lack of awareness about reproductive health care

Developing adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive service

Inadequate access to reproductive health care services

Inability of health care workers to provide appropriate services to teens

Lack of counseling services for adolescents

Providing tailored pregnancy and childbirth services

Neglected prenatal care

Lack of physical and psychological preparedness for childbirth

Preparing adolescents for motherhood

Attachment and bonding with their infant

Inability to care for their child