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Table 4 Crude and adjusted odds of high scores for MADM, MOR, & MIST for people cared for by midwives in community settings, compared to midwives in hospital settings (n = 1255)

From: Examining respect, autonomy, and mistreatment in childbirth in the US: do provider type and place of birth matter?


OR (95% CI)

aORa (95% CI)

High Autonomy (MADM)

3.32** (2.45–4.51)

2.97** (2.66–4.27)

High respect (MOR)

5.34** (3.81–7.49)

4.15** (2.81–6.14)

Experienced at least one form of mistreatment (MIST)

0.18** (0.12–0.28)

0.20** (0.11–0.34)

Had enough time during prenatal visits

5.83** (3.73–9.11)

8.06** (4.26–15.28)

  1. aModel adjusts for race, number of previous births, maternal age at last birth, highest level of education, main source of payment for maternity care, elevated pregnancy risk, BMI, primary care concerns, and housing concerns. **p < 0.001; *p < 0.05