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Table 5 Set ups of the AFHS model in Colombia

From: Documenting good practices: scaling up the youth friendly health service model in Colombia

Set up


Differentiated service

Delivery of services by a trained professional in AFHS in any health facility. Services may be available within the normal operation hours of the facility.

Friendly Unit

Physical space, in a facility, destined for young people, with differentiated hours of operation and run by trained professional in AFHS

Friendly Facility

Exclusive facility for adolescents and young people with trained professional in AFHS and with areas of interaction for young people

  1. Source: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social Colombia, UNFPA. (2007). Servicios amigables en salud para adolescentes y jóvenes. Un modelo para adecuar las respuestas de los servicios de salud a las necesidades de adolescentes y jóvenes de Colombia. Bogotá D.C., Colombia