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Table 1 Overview of Structured Interview Study Design

From: Factors influencing referrals for ultrasound-diagnosed complications during prenatal care in five low and middle income countries

Data collected from


Purpose and Objectives

Up to 200 women per site who received a referral for possible pregnancy complications identified during study ultrasound exam. All of the interviewed women received the initial interview.


To determine whether women who received referrals from study sonographers at primary health care centers attended the referrals. They were also interviewed to gain evidence about their understanding of ultrasound and the ultrasound findings/referral instructions, intention to attend the referral visit, expectations of ultrasound, perceptions of potential harm/benefits, experience with receiving the ultrasound, and their recall of the reason for the referral.

Consented women who attended referral visit and agreed to be interviewed at 6-week postpartum study visit scheduled to collect health outcome data.


This second interview focused on reasons for attending the referral visit and identified barriers and motivators/facilitators to attending the referral visit.

Consented women who did not attend referral visit and agreed to be interviewed at 6-week postpartum study visit scheduled to collect health outcome data.


This second interview focused on reasons for not attending the referral visit and identified barriers and motivators/facilitators to attending the referral visit.