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Table 1 CHARM2 Intervention Program Outline for Rural Young Couples

From: A gender synchronized family planning intervention for married couples in rural India: study protocol for the CHARM2 cluster randomized controlled trial evaluation


For Men (20–40 min); Delivered by Male Health Provider

 • Assess client’s FP knowledge and fertility goals; provide an overview of FP types/effectiveness/availability, encouraging discourse around methods that suit his needs.

 • Provide info on maternal and child health benefits of FP, as well as delayed first childbirth

 • Assess sex risk of man: extramarital sex; provide basic HIV/STI prevention information

 • Briefly assess if a man has discussed FP with his wife; assess & encourage joint FP decision-making

 • Highlight the importance of male involvement in FP

 • GE issues- son preference

 • Review again client’s FP goals; encourage consideration of contraception.

For Women (20–40 min); Delivered by ANM

 • Assess client’s FP knowledge and fertility goals; provide an overview of FP types/effectiveness/availability, encouraging discourse around methods that suit her needs.

 • Provide info on maternal and child health benefits of FP, as well as delayed first childbirth

 • Assess sex risk of woman: extramarital sex; provide basic HIV/STI prevention information

 • Briefly assess if a woman has discussed FP with her husband; assess & encourage joint FP decision-making

 • Highlight the importance of male involvement in FP

 • GE issues- son preference, sexual/reproductive control/coercion

 • Review again client’s FP goals; encourage consideration of contraception.


For Men (20 min); Delivered by Male Health Provider

 • Assess client’s FP goals; review FP types/effectiveness to support these goals, encouraging discourse around methods that suit his needs.

 • Review previously identified barriers to FP uptake- such as the desire for sons or pressure from in-laws

 • Assess if a man has discussed FP with his wife; practice how to communicate about FP

 • Assess marital violence and sexual communication; reinforce non-use of violence and respectful communication; encourage joint FP decision making with wife

 • Highlight the importance of male involvement in FP, affection in a sexual relationship

 • GE issues- son preference, sexual/reproductive control/coercion

 • Review again client’s FP goals; encourage consideration of contraception.

For Women (20 min); Delivered by ANM

 • Assess client’s FP goals; review FP types/effectiveness to support these goals, encouraging discourse around methods that suit her needs.

 • Review previously identified barriers to FP uptake- the desire for sons or pressure from in-laws

 • Assess if the woman has discussed FP her husband; practice how to communicate about FP with husband

 • Discuss marital violence and sexual communication; reinforce non-use of violence and respectful communication; encourage joint FP decision making with husband

 • Highlight the importance of male involvement in FP

 • GE issues- son preference, sexual/reproductive control/coercion

 • Review again client’s FP goals; encourage consideration of contraception

SESSION 3- For Couples Together (20–40 min); Delivered by ANM or Male Provider

 • Provide an overview of health benefits and types/effectiveness of FP, including LARC methods; Assess FP goals; Counsel on fertility and FP joint decision-making; Validate Contraceptive Choicesa

 • GE issues- son preference

 • Discuss marital communication, sexual communication- FP and MSV

 • Provide support to obtain methods; follow-up with women regarding satisfaction with contraception every 2 months until satisfaction and safety are confirmed

  1. aNOTE: This piece of the CHARM2 ANM session is SOC for ANM FP services