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Table 3 Content of CHARM2 Survey

From: A gender synchronized family planning intervention for married couples in rural India: study protocol for the CHARM2 cluster randomized controlled trial evaluation

Topics and Constructs


Socio-economic and demographic characteristics

Age, residency, education, religion, caste, household members, employment, income, economic assess ownership, food insecurity, debt, proximity to parents, tobacco and substance use

Marital factors

Number of married years, age at marriage, marital choice, consanguinity in marriage

Control over resources

Household decision making, economic decision making, fertility, and contraceptive decision making

Fertility history and fertility intention

Pregnancy history, menstruation, hygienic practices, delivery, post-natal care, unwanted pregnancy, postpartum FP, male involvement in ANC, fertility desire preferences, STI/STD symptoms

Family planning

Knowledge of FP, source of information, ever use, current use, barriers to use, FP discontinuation, intention to use, contraceptive communication, abortion, knowledge, and resources about FP in community, contraceptive self-efficacy, attitude towards home IUD insertion

Fertility attitudes

Fertility desire, contraceptive preferences, fertility preference, contraceptive decision making, attitudes towards FP use, attitude towards FP reproductive coercion, attitude towards husband involvement in FP, provider FP coercion, interpersonal quality of FP services

Male gender norms (assessed only with men)

Attitude towards gender roles

Gender-based abuse/control (assessed only with women)

IPV-physical, verbal and sexual, injuries, help-seeking, attitude towards physical abuse, witnessing parental IPV, reproductive coercion, mobility, public safety,

Sexual risk behaviors and STI symptoms

Number of partners, commercial sex use, STI and UTI symptoms

Mental health

Depression, generalized anxiety and suicidal ideation

Marital relationship quality

Marital agreement, happiness and future success of relationship


Pregnancy test

  1. NOTE: Details on scales and measures used for this survey can be made available upon request