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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: Perceptions of pregnancy occurring among HIV-serodiscordant couples in Kenya

Members of HIV serodiscordant couples

Type of Interview

In-depth Interviews (42)

Focus Group Discussions [25]

Age, Median (IQR)

31 (28-38)

32 (28-35)


30 (23-37)

30.5 (27-35)


32 (30-41)

35 (28-42)

No. of participants (Female)

21 (50%)

14 (56%)

No. of participants (Male)

21 (50%)

11 (44%)

Participants HIV status (HIV-positive)

21 (50%)

20 (80%)

Participants HIV status (HIV negative)

21 (50%)

5 (20%)

No. Of children, Median (IQR)

1 (1-2)

1 (0-1)

Providers (participating in key informant interviews) [20]


11 (55%)

 Fertility clinics

5 (45.6%)

 Jointly public and private clinics

4 (36.4%)

 Safer conception research sites

2 (18%)

Nurse counselors

5 (25%)

 Safer conception research sites

3 (60%)

 Public health hospitals

2 (40%)

Clinical Officers

2 (10%)

 Safer conception research sites

1 (50%)

 Public health hospitals

1 (50%)


2 (10%)