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Table 1 Headings and Learning objectives of the enrichment of couples’ sexual interactions training package

From: Randomized controlled trial protocol to evaluate the effect of an educational intervention using information, motivation and behavioral skills model on sexual satisfaction of new couples in Iran


Learning objective

The importance of skills teaching in marital relationships

Understanding the importance of sex education in the formation of appropriate sexual life

Understanding the importance of proper sexual interactions in marital life

Effective communication of couples

Knowing the concept of communication

Understanding the growing steps of marriage

Understanding the effective communication factors with the spouse

Recognizing effective cases in the strength or destruction of communications

Earn the ability to talk to spouse about sex

Establish effective communication

The Impact of communication on effective Interpersonal Interactions

Communicating to express feelings and ideas, Individual responsibility

Good listener features

Effective communication skills practice

The influence of culture in communication patterns

Anatomy and function of sexual and reproductive organs

Knowing of sexually-reproductive organs of men and women

Familiarity with the performance of sexually-reproductive organs of men and women

Understanding male and female sexual responses

Vocabulary and sexual response patterns

Understanding sexual vocabulary

Understanding the stages of sexual intercourse between husband and wife

comprehending the cycle of sexual behaviors in men and women

Skills in sexual relationships

Familiar with the factors affecting good sexual interactions

perceiving the basics of sexual life

Determine the sexual lifestyle of couples by themselves

Understanding the stages of sexual relationship

Talking with spouse about the priorities of sexual life, tendencies, fantasies, types of touches.

Sexual health

Understanding the Importance of Sexual Diseases

Understanding the factors that cause sexually transmitted diseases

Understanding transferring ways of sexually transmitted diseases

Familiarity with the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases

Identifying ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

Sexual relationships during pregnancy

Recognizing communication problems during pregnancy

Understanding physiology of pregnancy

Familiarity with how to have sex during pregnancy

Learn important tips on sexual relationships in different months of pregnancy

Familiarity with different modes of doing sex during pregnancy

Recognition of sexual behaviors in the postpartum period

Sexual problems

Identifying common causes of sexual problems

Understanding couples from their sexual life inhibitors

Identifying couples’ sexual problems by themselves

Understanding sexual dysfunctions in men and women

Recognizing the effective factors in creating sexual disorders in men and women

Action to treat sexual dysfunction