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Table 5 Scale based Factor loading of the perceived control, self-efficacy and intention to use of FP: (n = 891)

From: Validation of family planning tool in the pastoralist community



1) Perceived control

 Do you think is there is a risk of discrimination by community members if they know that you are using family planning?


 Do you think that possible oppositions from others could influence your decision to use family planning?


 How possible discrimination could matter your practice to use family planning?


 How possible side effect could matter your to use family planning?


 Do you believe that side effect is likely to happen for you following family planning use?


 Do you believe that opposition from others is likely to happen consequently to family planning use?


 How the disallowance of husbands in your community matter you to use family planning?


 Do you believe that the cost for family planning would worry you if you want to use it?


 Do you think that the cost of family planning may be expensive if you decided to use it?


 Do you think that husbands in your community disallow their wives to use family planning?



 If I want to use family planning, I am confident that I can ask and discuss with health providers o how to use it.


 If want to use family planning, I am certain that I would overcome opposition from others elsewhere.


 Though I need to space childbirth, I am not sure that I always can get methods of my choice in health facilities.


 It is up to me, If I want to use family planning, I can do it.


 If want to use family planning, I am confident to convince your husband that I should use it.


 If want to use family planning, I am confident that I always would keep the appointment regarding it.


 If want to use family planning, I am certain that I would afford the cost for it.


3) Intention to use of FP

 At this moment, I can list some of the benefits of FP use I would gain if I use it?


 I am happy if I could use FP to space the number of children I would have in the future


 I am happy if I could use FP to limit the number of children I would have in the future


 I am willing to use FP to space/limit number of children


 I have already decided that I should use FP in the near future


 I have ever used FP in the previous 6 months and I found it relevant me.


 I have ever used FP in the past 6 months and I am quite sure I will continue using it in the future.


 It is expected that women in our community should use FP and so do I
