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Table 2 Themes and sub-themes identified

From: Realising sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls and young women living in slums in Uganda: a qualitative study



Understanding of Sexual Health including sexually transmitted infections and HIV

Myths and misconceptions

Knowledge of HIV among adolescent girls and young women (AGWY)

Barriers to education provision

Understanding of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

Understanding of consent

Understanding of health and rights

Lack of knowledge about SRHR

Lack of knowledge preventing redress of rights

Lack of knowledge as a barrier to healthcare

Understanding of SRHR by stakeholders

Sources of knowledge for AGWY

Sources of knowledge for stakeholders

Sources of support

Support whilst menstruating or sick

Disintegration of family system of support

Role of peers

Source of support in case of harassment

Where to go for justice

Experience of healthcare

Respect needed to improve healthcare

Positive experience of healthcare

Needs unrecognised among AGWY

Different treatment if poor

Use of non-traditional medicine due to fear or cost

Lack of resources or medications

Lack of psychological support

Poor service at hospital

Age, maturity and legal age

Age at maturity

Being treated differently due to age

Stigma due to age

Education needed to support young people

Violations of rights and context

People with money are treated differently

Attempted corruption

Violations within healthcare

Breach of confidentiality

Stigma associated with violation

Normalisation of sexual assault

Taking advantage of AGYW

Poverty as a driver for rights violations

Power imbalance as a driver for rights violations

Barriers to justice

Barrier to justice Prioritising reputation

Barrier to justice: Cost/corruption

Experiences of corruption

Barrier to justice: Stigma

Health professionals not testifying following rape

Threats from violators

Concern from victim they will be left without support

Police not doing their job properly

Only school attendees taken seriously

Role of parents

Parents forcing child marriage

Parents do not believe in family planning

Parents not open with children

Belief that children will copy parents’ behaviours

Home environment as a driver for violation

Money as a driver for child marriage

Services available

Services available for HIV

Services available from interviewees

Traditional healers

Barriers to healthcare access

Lack of husband’s presence as a barrier to access

Fear as a barrier to healthcare

Distance as a barrier to healthcare

Stigma as a barrier to access

Husband as barrier to access

Parents as a barrier to access

Cost as a barrier to access

Language as a barrier

Rumours as a barrier to care

Consequences of pregnancy

Thrown out due to pregnancy

School dropout due to pregnancy

Drivers for violations

Alcohol and drugs as driver for violations

Belief that AGWY dressed inappropriately

Money as a driver for exploitation

Redress of rights and challenges

Informal redress of rights

Delay in redress

Length of sentence felt to be too short

Sources of information regarding SRHR and services and areas for improvement / challenge

How AGWY know about service availability

Need to educate boys as well as girls

Misconceptions among stakeholders

Resistance to learning among AGYW

Slum context for learning

Feelings that AGYW will not do as told

Need for education

Need to advertise services more

Changes needed to allow redress of rights

Need for empowerment

Government needs to change policy/law

Suggestions for services

Training for stakeholders

More funding

Stop corruption

Increase service availability

Empower women