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Table 1 summary of the articles included in the systematic review

From: Prevalence and phenotype of eating disorders in assisted reproduction: a systematic review

Author, date

Sample population


Key findings

Abraham et al. 1990 [18]

Obj: study of diet. hist. and of physical exercise in IF receiving GnRH stimulation

Inclusion criterion: secondary amenorrhea

– Failed OI using clomiphene citrate

– N = 14


– ED assessed: AN, BN

– semi-structured interview

– anthropometric measurements: weight, size, skin fold (4 sites)

– Quest.: EAT, EDI

Prev.: 92.8% hist. of ED (N = 13) of which: 77% AN (N = 10), 7.7% AN + BN (N = 1), 7.7% BN (N = 1), 7.7% atypical (N = 1)

– 35.7% “active atypical form” (N = 5)

Phen.: 84.6% normal BMI (N = 11)

– 57% follow-up of ED (N = 8)

– Weight control method: restriction + diet 57% (N = 8), physical exercise 43% (N = 6), vomiting 21% (N = 3), laxatives 7% (N = 1)

Comorb.: depression (N = 2)

Assens et al. 2015 [31]

Obj.: assessing prev. of ED in IF undergoing ART

Inclusion criterion:

– DANAC cohort

– N = 42,915

Exclusion criterion:


– ICD-8, ICD-10

– ED assessed: AN, BN, EDNOS

– diagnostic coding of the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register (hospitalisations + consultations)

Prev.: 0.63% LTP of severe episode of ED (N = 271) of which: 41% AN (N = 111) with 32% experiencing atypical forms of AN, 35% BN (N = 95) with 20% experiencing atypical BN, 24% EDNOS (N = 65)


– 83.4% ED known before resorting to MAP

– Ovulatory infertility*

– More frequent use of IVF or ICSI*

Barbosa et al. 2020 [29]

Obj.: assessing prev. of ED in IF treated receiving GnRH stimulation

Inclusion criterion:

– < 43 years old

– IHH, N = 21

– Control group with other type of infertility N = 21

Exclusion criterion:

– Non-Francophone

– male infertility

– active psychiatric disorder


– ED assessed: AN, BN, BED

– Quest.: QSD, CIDI


– IF with IHH: 95.2% LTP ED (N = 20) of which: 85% AN (N = 19), 5% BN (N = 1)

– Control group: 23.8% LTP ED restrictive type AN (N = 5)


– BMI IF IHH lower compared to other types of infertility*

– Normal BMI in control group

Bruneau et al. 2017 [8]

Obj.: assessing prev. of ED in an IF population receiving MAP

Inclusion criterion:

– French speakers

– N = 60

Exclusion criterion:

– Male infertility


– ED assessed: AN, BN, BED

– Screening: SDQ, SCOFF, FKW, BSQ, HAD, FertiQol

– Diagnosis: MINI Module H

Prev.: 17% LTP ED (N = 10) of which: 50% hist. AN (N = 5), 20% hist. BN (N = 2), 10% AN (N = 1), 10% BN (N = 1), 10% hist. BED (N = 1)

Phen.:—average BMI and ideal BMI similar to non-ED*

– ambivalence sc. for desire for a child: positive correlation with body image concerns, negative correlation with BMI

– 60% SCOFF positive with ED*

Comorb.:—higher level of anxiety vs non-ED*

– altered quality of life (emotional and physical aspects)

Christin-Maitre et al. 2006 [28]

Obj.: assessing effectiveness of Tx using pulsatile GnRH release

Inclusion criterion:—IHH

N = 248

– Declarative

Prev.:—45.8% hist. of ED (N = 113): 40.5% hist. AN (N = 100), 5.3% hist. BN (N = 13)

Phen.:—normal average BMI

– 52.2% (N = 109) of IF make food selection

– 9% (N = 16) physical activity > 5 h/week

Cousins et al. 2015 [19]

Obj.: comparison of ED sympt. in IF vs females in the general pop

Design: cross-sectional comparative study

Inclusion criteria:—[18–44 years old], English speakers

– No comorbidity

– Unexplained infertility N = 51

– Control group in general care N = 34


– ED assessed: AN, BN, EDNOS (including BED)

– Quest.: EDI-3-RF and SC, Herman and Polivy revised restraint scale, STAI, BDI-II

Prév.:—27.5% hist. of ED (N = 14)

– 13.7% active episodes (N = 7)

Phen.:—normal average BMI*

– Pursuit of slimness sc. and BN higher in IF vs non-ED*

– Diet. restriction sc. lower in IF vs non-ED*

– Body dissatisfaction sc. lower in IF vs non-ED*

Freizinger et al. 2010 [30]

Obj.: assessing prev. of ED in IF

Design: comparative study

Inclusion criterion:—before hormonal induction using FSH

– N = 82


– ED assessed: AN, BN, EDNOS (including BED)

– Tel. interview: SCID module H-Eating disorder, SDQ

– Quest.: EDE-Q, IPAQ, lifestyle

Prev.: 20.7% LTP ED (N = 17) of which: 41% hist. AN (N = 7), 29% active EDNOS (N = 5) of which 80% BED (N = 4), 12% hist. BN (N = 2), 18% hist. EDNOS (N = 3)

Phen.: normal BMI > 50%, compared to non-ED*, no low BMI

– Total EDE-Q sc. higher vs non-ED*

– Diet. concerns sc. for size and weight higher vs non-ED + general population*

– Diet. restriction sc. of ED comparable to non-ED + general population*

– 76.4% of ED not disclosed to doctor

Langley 2014 [20]

Obj.: designing a nutritional screening questionnaire for IF

Inclusion criterion:—before 1st medical visit

– N = 300

– No baseline

– ED assessed: NS

– Declarative

Prev.:—4.1% hist. of ED (N = 10)

– 1.4% active ED (N = 4)

Phen.:—21.8% dietary restrictions without ED (N = 55)

– 81% want to lose weight before their first medical check

– 40% “unrealistic” weight loss goal of which 7.1% with BMI < 18.5

– Methods used: diets (49%), physical activity “active” (29%), or even “very active” (13%)

Resch et al. 1999 [23]

Obj.: assessing prev. of ED in IF and diet. habits in IF

Inclusion criterion:—functional infertility

– N = 75


– ED assessed: AN, BN, BED


Prev.: 44% active ED (N = 33) of which: 49% subclinical forms of BN (N = 16), 27% BN (N = 9), 15% infraclinical forms of AN (N = 5), 9% AN (N = 3)

Phen.:—episodes of binge eating: > 1 per month (N = 8), > 1 per week (N = 8)

– Increased prevalence of anovulation in women with subclinical BN

Comorb.: 64% depression in IF (N = 49)

Rodino et al. 2016 [24]

Obj.: assessing psychological wellbeing in relation to the BMI of obese IF

Inclusion criterion:

– [20–47 years old]

– N = 403

Exclusion criteria:—gamete donation, preimplantation diagnosis, maintenance of fertility


– ED assessed: AN, BN, BED


Prev.:—5.7% hist. of ED (N = 23)

– 0.7% active episode (N = 3)

Phen.:—74% normal BMI with ED

– Obese females (indep. of PCOS status): BED higher*, lower level of self-esteem*, increased concerns about body shape and perfectionism

Rodino et al. 2016 [21]

Obj.: assessing prev. of ED in IF

Inclusion criteria:—[20–40 years old], English speakers

– ovulation follow-up, OI, IUI, IVF, ICSI

– N = 385

Exclusion criteria:—gamete donation, preimplantation diagnosis, oncology

– No medical consultation


– ED assessed: AN, BN, BED

– Quest.: SDQ, EDE-Q, IPAQ

Prev.:—6.8% hist. of ED (N = 26)

- 1.6% active ED (N = 6)

Phen.:—BMI at top end of normal

- average EDE-Q sc. higher with hist. ED*

- ovulation disorder vs other type of infertility: higher overall score and subscales EDE-Q*, prone to compulsive eating with loss of control, method of weight control by vomiting, laxatives, compulsive physical activity at a sustained rate*

- 23% ED not disclosed to doctor

Sbaragli et al. 2008 [22]

Obj.: psychiatric assessment of infertile couples before medical intervention

Design: prospective case–control study

Inclusion criterion:—1st ART cycle

– N = 81 couples

– control group: T3 pregnancy, N = 70 couples


– ED assessed: BED

– Assessment of partners: SDQ, SCID-I

Prev.:—18% active BED (N = 15)

– 11% hist. of ED (N = 9)

Phen.: BED and hist. BED more common in PCOS and functional infertility*

Stewart et al., 1990 [25]

Obj.: assessing prev. of ED in IF

Inclusion criterion:—N = 66


– ED assessed: AN, BN, EDNOS

– Screening: SDQ, EAT-26

– Diagnosis: non standardised

Prev.: 16.7% active ED (N = 11) of which: 55% EDNOS (N = 6), 36% BN (N = 4), 9% AN (N = 1)

Phen.: SD to determine ideal comparable weight comparable regardless of ED status

Volgsten et al., 2008 [26]

Obj.: assessing prev. of psychiatric disorders in IF and IM

Inclusion criteria:—IVF or ICSI

– N females = 413

– N males = 412

Exclusion criterion:—gamete donation



Prev: 0.2% active EDNOS type ED (N = 1) in IF

Phen.:—normal average BMI in females with ED

Comorb.:—depression 10.9% (N = 45)

– Comorb. in IF: 2 diag. 36.2% (N = 46), ≥ 3 diag. 7.9% (N = 10)

Yli-Kuha et al., 2010


Obj.: assessing psychiatric morbidity in IF receiving ART

Design: comparative cohort study

Inclusion criteria:—IVF, ICSI, FET

– infertile group N = 9175

– control group general pop. N = 9175

– ICD-8, ICD-9, ICD-10

– ED assessed: NS

– Diagnostic coding of psychiatric disorders from end of hospitalisation records

Prev.: 0.13% hospitalization for ED (N = 12) of which: 67% before intervention (N = 8), 33% after intervention (N = 4)

Phen.:—no significant difference in number of IF hospitalizations vs non-ED

– fewer hospitalizations for ED in infertile patients if Tx is successful*

– no influence on the parity of hospitalizations for ED

  1. ANIS anorexia nervosa inventory scale, BCDS bulimic cognitive distortions scale, BDI-II Beck depression inventory II, BITE bulimia investigatory test, Edinburgh, BSQ body shape questionnaire, CIDI composite international diagnostic interview, CPQ clinical perfectionism questionnaire, comorb. comorbidity, DASS-21 depression anxiety and stress scale 21 items, diag. diagnosis, Diet. dietary, EDE-Q eating disorder examination questionnaire, EDI-3-RF Eating Disorder Inventory-3-Referral Form, EDI-3-SC Eating Disorder Inventory-3-Symptom Checklist, FET frozen embryo transfer, FKW desire to have a child questionnaire (fragebogen zum kinderwunsch), FPI fertility problem inventory, HAD hospital anxiety and depression scale, hist. history, IF infertile female(s), IVF in vitro fertilisation, ICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injection, IHH idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, IM infertile male(s), IPAQ international physical activity questionnaire, IUI intrauterine insemination, LTP lifetime prevalence, MINI mini international neuropsychiatric interview, NS non specific, OI ovulation induction, PANAS positive and negative affect schedule, phen. phenotype, pop. population, prev. prevalence, PRIME-MD primary care evaluation of mental disorders, quest. questionnaire, RSES Rosenberg self-esteem scale, sc score, SCOFF sick-control-one-fat-food, SD standard deviation, SDQ socio-demographic questionnaire, STAI Spielberger state trait inventory, sympt. symptoms, tb trouble, tel. telephone, Tx treatment
  2. *Statistically significant results, p < 0.05