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Table 1 Coding process –meaning units, sub-themes and main themes

From: Understanding sexual and reproductive health from the perspective of late adolescents in Northern Thailand: a phenomenological study

Meaning units



I remembered that condoms could prevent sexual diseases. I disliked taking pills and feared implants, and contraceptive injections. However, if I didn’t use any contraceptive methods, I would face unplanned pregnancy and be out of schooling. I don’t want to stop schooling due to pregnancy. We might face with some problems, such as raising children and finance. [RH 18]

Focusing on the risk of diseases and consequences

Having SRH education

When I had sexual intercourse and used condoms, there was an accident of a broken condom. I felt fear and stress. I did not know how I could solve this problem. I then took emergency pills at first. I also waited for my period. After that, it came. I therefore felt relieved. [RH 25]

Using contraceptive methods


My partner asked for having sexual intercourse with me. I then asked him about condoms. He drank alcohol and did not prepare a condom. I said “no”. He was angry. I reasserted my choice and tried to explain more about the negatives of non-use of any contraceptive methods. If we made the mistake, we might have some problems. [RH 26]
