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Table 1 The expanded availability framework matrix for MA medicines

From: In-country availability of medical abortion medicines: a description of the framework and methodology of the WHO landscape assessments



Key indicator



Registration and quality assurance

Quality-assured (and other) products are registered and have correct MA indications on label; Products include:

• Co-packaged mifepristone (1 × 200 mg) and misoprostol (4 × 200 mcg)

• Misoprostol 200 mcg

• Mifepristone 200 mg

Number of products registered

Names of market authorization holder

List of registered products OR

Certificate of registration/licensing

Product must be registered for use; Multiple registered products increase competition and coverage

Medical indications

Quality and accuracy of product label

Convenient packaging

Product inserts/label (instructions for use)

Packaging/ Presentation

Format and instructions for use influence actual usage

Quality-assurance status—Stringent Regulatory Authorities, WHO Prequalification, UNFPA Expert Review Program

Product registration details or manufacturer licensing documents

Standards are sufficient to ensure quality; Manufacturers are complying with standards; Regulatory agency procedures outlined are sufficient to evaluate product quality

Policy and financing

Institutionalization of MA products and services in key national policy documents and guidelines

Training and dissemination of policies and guidelines

Commitment of public or private funds to procure products and provide services

Combination pack and/or individual drugs are:

• On National EML and/or National Formulary (NF)

• On National procurement list

• Included in treatment guidelines


National Formulary; procurement list

Treatment guidelines

Combination pack on EML or NF, procurement list drives procurement and availability

Decreasing unsafe abortion is part of national strategy for MNH improvement

Maternal Health National Strategy

Key informants

Key national policy documents establish the groundwork for programmatic plans

Protocols for MA are in national medical/treatment guidelines and pre-service/in-service training curricula

Mechanisms to disseminate information on MA

MoH approved training plans and/or job aids

Standard/National Treatment Guidelines

Emergency Obstetric Guidelines

Training curricula

Appropriate and detailed guidelines are necessary to ensure safe use of MA

Protocols influence practice

Curricula are important for provider education

Designation of funding for MA commodities in national budget/commodity budget

MoH annual budget/commodity budget

Government designates a budget line; Donor provides funding; Funds are allocated and disbursed when needed; Funds sufficient to cover product need, as defined by MoH strategy

Procurement and distribution

Total product procured and distributed by public and private sector meets national need

Affordable pricing

Public sector/NGO/private procurement of QA-assured or other combi-pack

• Volume procured and sold/distributed

• Distribution channels

• Cost—wholesale and retail

• Forecasting tool used

• Product in procurement tenders

Sufficient budget allocated

Central Medical Stores records

Distributor/importer procurement and sales records


There is public/private sector procurement

Forecasting tool used and is accurate

Products are purchased through tenders or special orders

Stock-outs (public, private, NGO):

• Reported/observed stockout per sector

% of zonal stores that experienced a stockout of product at any point during the past year

Central/regional/district/medical stores data

Medical Stores reports

MoH programmatic plan

CMS reports; Key informants

Public sector procurement is supposed to cover all public sector need

Public facilities rely on consistent stock at zonal store level

Provider knowledge

Product is institutionalized in provider training curriculums

Medical providers at appropriate levels of care know about product and can provide services

Knowledge of MA, products and policies

Ability to provide MA services according to guidelines

Provider interviews; Service Provision Assessments

Drugs and equipment needed to provide service

Safe abortion guidelines and job aids

Providers trained using these guidelines

Provider interviews/facility visits/surveys

Guidelines include MA

End-user knowledge and behaviour

Women of reproductive age know about safe abortion/MA and national policy/law

% women of reproductive age that know about MA and safe abortion policies

Country-specific surveys and studies

If women know product’s uses, utilization will increase