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Table 2 Demographics at Wave 3 (Reaching Married Adolescents Study, n = 559)

From: Measuring social norms of intimate partner violence to exert control over wife agency, sexuality, and reproductive autonomy: an item response modelling of the IPV-ASRA scale


Mean (range)

n (%)

Cultural/linguistic groupa




368 (66%)



186 (34%)

Intervention participantsb


412 (74%)

Husband age

29.9 (18–66)


Husband age at marriagea

22.5 (12–53)


Wife age

20.4 (16–22)


Wife age at marriagea

14.2 (10–19)


Length of marriage (years)a

3.1 (0–9)


Husband educationa


  Any government school


263 (47%)

  Any Koranic school


203 (36%)



79 (14%)



160 (29%)

Any paid work in past 12 months



311 (56%)



104 (19%)

Wife number of childrena

1.0 (0–5)

355 (64%)c

Husband number of childrena

1.6 (0–16)

393 (70%)c

Husbands with > 1 wife


96 (17%)

Wife reported IPV victimization


50 (9%)

Wife reported RC victimization


39 (7%)

  1. aData collected at baseline
  2. bData were collected as part of a 4-arm cluster-randomized trial
  3. cNumber and percent who have at least one child