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Table 1 The interview guide

From: Maternal mental health concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran: a content analysis study

The interview Questions (For women during pregnancy and postpartum period)

Tell me how do you feel about this pregnancy?

How do you feel about getting pregnant during covid-19 pandemic?

Tell me about your feelings and interests in life and daily activities?

What information do you need about your pregnancy?

What information do you need about your pregnancy during this pandemic?

What information and knowledge do you need about the fetus?

Talk about your spouse's support and attention during this pregnancy? How is it? How do you feel about supporting your spouse?

Did you expect/receive support from others during this pregnancy? What support and attention (if any)? Please explain

Can you tell me about your feelings and mental image of your body and physical condition that changed during pregnancy, how do you feel about it?

What is your main concern in this situation?

Tell me how you feel about the delivery process

Explain what type of delivery did you choose?

How do you feel about giving birth in a COVID-19 pandemic?

What are your concerns about the fetus/baby regarding the condition of the corona? Please explain

How did you feel about your pregnancy during and after the birth? Has it changed or been like your pregnancy? Explain if possible

Tell me about your feelings and relationship with your baby after giving birth in the hospital and then at home

What information did you need and search for after giving birth?

Please explain about your doctor/midwife paying attention during your pregnancy. What did you expect from them? Were your expectations met?

Please explain about your doctor/midwife pay attention during your labor and after birth. What did you expect from them? Were your expectations met?

Can you tell me about your feelings and mental image of your body and physical condition that changed after birth, how do you feel about it?

Is there another feeling, concern, need that I have not asked and you want to say?