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Table 4 AFC and AMH values above the ESHRE cut-off points in women from ACOAT and non-ACOAT couples seeking ART treatment for the first time stratified by “duration of infertility”

From: Both reduced ovarian reserve and severe semen alterations are overrepresented in couples seeking assisted reproductive technology treatment for the first time: a cross-sectional study

Baseline characteristics

ACOAT couples

Non-ACOAT couples


Duration of infertility


 ≤ 2 years

>2 years

>2 years


16.9 (15.3–18.5)b

n = 130

14.8 (13.6–15.9)c,d

n = 128

17.2 (16.4–18.1)

n = 437

AMH (ng/ml)a

2.8 (2.6–3.0)

n = 113

2.3 (2.2–2.4)e,f

n = 109

2.8 (2.7–3.0)

n = 377

  1. ACOAT any combination of oligo-, astheno-, and teratozoospermia, AFC antral follicular count, AMH anti-Müllerian Hormone, ART assisted reproductive technology, ESHRE European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
  2. aValues on the 3rd day of an unstimulated menstrual cycle
  3. bValues are means and 95% CI in parenthesis
  4. c,eValue significantly different from ACOAT couples exhibiting a duration of infertility ≤ 2 years (cP ≤ 0.029; eP ≤ 0.001)
  5. d,fValue significantly different from non-ACOAT couples exhibiting a duration of infertility > 2 years (dP ≤ 0.005; fP ≤ 0.002)