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Table 1 Socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics of women with diabetes (N = 238)

From: Reproductive care in Thai women with diabetes mellitus: a descriptive cross-sectional study


Total (N = 238) n (%)


 Mean ± SD

39.5 ± 7.9

 Median (IQR)

41.5 (12)

Age group

 ≤ 19 years

1 (0.4)

 > 19–24 years

13 (5.4)

 > 24–35 years

56 (23.5)

 > 35–45 years

103 (43.3)

 > 45 years

65 (27.3)



134 (56.3)


104 (43.7)



228 (95.8)


3 (1.3)


6 (2.5)

 No religion

1 (0.4)


 Universal Coverage Scheme

57 (24)

 Social Health Insurance Scheme

62 (26.1)


23 (9.7)

 King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Officers

49 (20.6)

 Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme

40 (16.8)

 Missing data

7 (2.9)

Marital status

 Married or cohabiting

133 (55.9)


93 (39.1)


12 (5)

Highest education attainment


6 (2.5)


42 (17.7)


35 (14.7)

 Bachelor's degree or higher

155 (65.1)


 Professional/ skilledb

129 (54.2)


46 (19.3)


63 (26.5)

Number of Living children


127 (53.4)


56 (23.5)


49 (20.6)


6 (2.5)

  1. aIncluding other provinces in Thailand
  2. bIncluding healthcare professionals, office workers, and civil servant
  3. cIncluding self-employed
  4. dIncluding students and others