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Table 1 Characteristics of study areas at their initial assessment in 2019

From: Evaluation of a community-based intervention package to improve knowledge of obstetric danger signs, birth preparedness, and institutional delivery care utilization in Arba Minch Zuria District, Ethiopia: a cluster-randomized trial


Intervention group

Control group

No. clusters in area (kebele)

Bakole, Pereso, Gatse, Laka, Mella and Chenge

Chano, Genta, Dembile, Ocholo and Wezeqa

No. and type of healthcare facilities in the area

One health post per cluster to serve 3000–5000 population (Six health posts)

One health centre (EmOC) to serve up to 25,000 (Three health centres)

One health post per cluster to serve 3000–5000 population (4 health posts)

One health centre (EmOC) to serve up to 25,000 (two health centers)

No. and type of trained health-care providers

Two HEWs at a health post

Two nurses, two midwives and one health officer at a health centre

Location and distance to the nearest hospital that can perform caesarean birth

Arba Minch Hospital, average 2 h by car

Modes of emergency transport

The district shares one ambulance for all clusters (health centres); there is often no fuel to transfer patients to Arba Minch Hospital. In some areas, public buses are available once daily; traditional stretchers and walking are alternatives