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  1. Zambia’s fertility rate and unmet need for family planning are still high. This is in spite of the progress reported from 1992 to 2007 of the increase in contraceptive prevalence rate from 15% to 41% and use o...

    Authors: Namuunda Mutombo and Pauline Bakibinga
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:51
  2. This study explores the views of pregnant women and clinicians regarding discussion of exposure to phthalate plasticizers during pregnancy, subsequent to the 2011 Health Canada ban of certain phthalates at a c...

    Authors: Sapna Sharma, Justin M Ashley, Alexandra Hodgson and Jeff Nisker
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:47
  3. Every social grouping in the world has its own cultural practices and beliefs which guide its members on how they should live or behave. Harmful traditional practices that affect children are Female genital mu...

    Authors: Kahsu Gebrekirstos, Mesfin Abebe and Atsede Fantahun
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:46
  4. Premarital sexual behaviors are important issue for women’s health. The present study was designed to develop and examine the psychometric properties of a scale in order to identify young women who are at grea...

    Authors: Azam Rahmani, Effat Merghati-Khoei, Lida Moghadam-Banaem, Ebrahim Hajizadeh, Mostafa Hamdieh and Ali Montazeri
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:43
  5. Men play crucial role in contraceptive decision-making, particularly in highly gender-stratified populations. Past research examined men’s attitudes toward fertility and contraception and the association with ...

    Authors: Anurag Mishra, Priya Nanda, Ilene S Speizer, Lisa M Calhoun, Allison Zimmerman and Rochak Bhardwaj
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:41
  6. Pre-marital sexual debut increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV/AIDS and unwanted pregnancy. It may also affect their school performance and completion rate. In spite of this...

    Authors: Yeshalem Mulugeta and Yemane Berhane
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:40
  7. High fertility rates, unwanted pregnancies, low modern contraceptive prevalence and a huge unmet need for contraception adversely affect women’s health in Pakistan and this problem is compounded by limited acc...

    Authors: Syed Khurram Azmat, Moazzam Ali, Waqas Hameed, Ghulam Mustafa, Ghazanfer Abbas, Muhammad Ishaque, Mohsina Bilgrami and Marleen Temmerman
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:39
  8. The long-term effect of treatment with donated oocytes on women’s and men’s perception of their relationship has been little studied. Thus the aim of this study was to analyse satisfaction with relationships i...

    Authors: Gunilla Sydsjö, Claudia Lampic, Marie Bladh and Agneta Skoog Svanberg
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:38
  9. Given the degree of HIV epidemic among women and the current antiretroviral therapy (ART) scale up in Ethiopia; considering the issue of fertility is vital to ensure the delivery of integrated reproductive hea...

    Authors: Hussen Mekonnen Asfaw and Fikre Enquselassie Gashe
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:36
  10. Women’s health is a general health priority. Preserving and improving women’s health is not only a basic human right, but it is also essential for the health of all nations. Women’s health in Reproductive age ...

    Authors: Azam Baheiraei, Fatemeh Bakouei, Eesa Mohammadi and Mostafa Hosseini
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:35
  11. Sexual and reproductive health (SRH), a basic right for women worldwide, is infrequently researched in countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). No empirical studies of SRH among Saudi women exist....

    Authors: Manal Farih, Khalid Khan, Della Freeth and Catherine Meads
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:34
  12. The contraceptive skin patch (CSP) accepted by the U.S. FDA in 2001 includes ethinylestradiol and norelgestromine, whereas the subdermal contraceptive implant (SCI) has etonogestrel and is also approved by the...

    Authors: Jesus Hernandez-Juarez, Ethel A Garcia-Latorre, Manuel Moreno-Hernandez, Jose Fernando Moran-Perez, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Escobedo, Gerardo Cogque-Hernandez, Rubén Julián-Nacer, Xochitl Hernandez-Giron, Rosalia Palafox-Gomez, Irma Isordia-Salas and Abraham Majluf-Cruz
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:33
  13. Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices (PPIUCD) are increasingly included in many national postpartum family planning (PPFP) programs, but satisfaction of women who have adopted PPIUCD and complication ...

    Authors: Somesh Kumar, Reena Sethi, Sudharsanam Balasubramaniam, Elaine Charurat, Kamlesh Lalchandani, Richard Semba and Bulbul Sood
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:32
  14. Maternal mortality is a major public health challenge in Uganda. Whereas uterine rupture remains a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, there is limited research into what happens to women who surv...

    Authors: Dan K Kaye, Othman Kakaire, Annettee Nakimuli, Michael O Osinde, Scovia N Mbalinda and Nelson Kakande
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:31
  15. In many areas of the world where HIV prevalence is high, rates of unintended pregnancy have also been shown to be high. Of all pregnancies worldwide in 2008, 41% were reported as unintended and approximately 5...

    Authors: Addisu Polisi, Ewenat Gebrehanna, Gezahegn Tesfaye and Fekede Asefa
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:30
  16. The Brazilian Network for the Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity was developed in Brazil with the participation of 27 centers in different regions of the country. The objective of the network project wa...

    Authors: Adriana Gomes Luz, Maria José Martins Duarte Osis, Meire Ribeiro, José Guilherme Cecatti and Eliana Amaral
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:29
  17. Among Millennium Development Goals, achieving the fifth goal (MDG-5) of reducing maternal mortality poses the greatest challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ethiopia has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios...

    Authors: Mesganaw Fantahun Afework, Kesteberhan Admassu, Alemayehu Mekonnen, Seifu Hagos, Meselech Asegid and Saifuddin Ahmed
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:28
  18. This article analyzes several key issues in the debate: the acceptability of in vitro fertilization; regulation of assisted reproduction and the possibilities of reimbursement for assisted reproduction treatment ...

    Authors: Aurelija Blaževičienė, Irayda Jakušovaitė and Alina Vaškelytė
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:26
  19. Safe male circumcision (SMC) is a known efficacious intervention in the prevention of heterosexual HIV acquisition. However, there are perceptions that SMC may lead to behavior disinhibition towards risky sexu...

    Authors: Simon PS Kibira, Elizabeth Nansubuga, Nazarius M Tumwesigye, Lynn M Atuyambe and Fredrick Makumbi
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:25
  20. Despite the increase in contraceptive use worldwide over the last decade, there is still discrepancy in the need to limit birth and utilization of modern contraceptives specifically long acting and permanent c...

    Authors: Alem Gebremariam and Adamu Addissie
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:24
  21. Women’s reproductive health decision-making and choices, including engaging in sexual intercourse and condom use, are essential for good reproductive health. However, issues concerning sexual intercourse and c...

    Authors: Eugene Kofuor Maafo Darteh, David Teye Doku and Kobina Esia-Donkoh
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:23
  22. High maternal mortality is a continued challenge for the achievement of the fifth millennium development goal in Sub-Saharan African countries including Ethiopia. Although institutional delivery service utiliz...

    Authors: Gedefaw Abeje, Muluken Azage and Tesfaye Setegn
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:22
  23. Spousal communication can improve family planning use and continuation. Yet, in countries with high fertility rates and unmet need, men have often been regarded as unsupportive of their partner’s use of family...

    Authors: Allen Kabagenyi, Larissa Jennings, Alice Reid, Gorette Nalwadda, James Ntozi and Lynn Atuyambe
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:21
  24. Up to 50% of pregnancies are unintended in the United States, and the healthcare costs associated with pregnancy are the most expensive among hospitalized conditions. The current study aims to assess Medicaid ...

    Authors: François Laliberté, Patrick Lefebvre, Amy Law, Mei Sheng Duh, Jennifer Pocoski, Richard Lynen and Philip Darney
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:20
  25. To compare the proportion of women with self-reported depression and anxiety symptoms at four months postpartum between mothers of singletons who conceived spontaneously and mothers who conceived with the aid ...

    Authors: Nikolett Raguz, Sheila W McDonald, Amy Metcalfe, Candace O’Quinn and Suzanne C Tough
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:19
  26. The recently published WHO guidelines on applications of ICD-10 to deaths during pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium (ICD-MM) aimed at enabling a comprehensive framework for international comparison of mate...

    Authors: Suneth Agampodi, Kolitha Wickramage, Thilini Agampodi, Upuli Thennakoon, Nirasha Jayathilaka, Dhammika Karunarathna and Sasanka Alagiyawanna
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:17
  27. Despite abortion being legally available in South Africa after a change in legislation in 1996, barriers to accessing safe abortion services continue to exist. These barriers include provider opposition to abo...

    Authors: Jane Harries, Diane Cooper, Anna Strebel and Christopher J Colvin
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:16
  28. Son preference is predominant in developing countries especially South Asian countries and its effect is most visible when the fertility is on transition. Nepal is a country in South Asia where the fertility h...

    Authors: Pramila Rai, Ishwari Sharma Paudel, Anup Ghimire, Paras Kumar Pokharel, Raju Rijal and Surya Raj Niraula
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:15
  29. According to the World Health Organization, Caesarean Section (CS) rate (percentage of births managed by CS) exceeding 15% lacks medical justification and it could be linked with adverse maternal and child hea...

    Authors: Samson Gebremedhin
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:14
  30. The editor of Reproductive Health would like to extend a sincere thank you to all our valued reviewers listed below who contributed to the journal in Volume 10 (2013). Without the co-operation and collaboration o...

    Authors: José M Belizán and Natasha Salaria
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:9
  31. Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa with high fertility and fast population growth rate. It is also one of the countries with high maternal and child mortality rate in sub-Saharan Africa Fam...

    Authors: Abdurahman Mohammed, Desalegn Woldeyohannes, Amsalu Feleke and Berihun Megabiaw
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:13
  32. Umbilical cord prolapse is an obstetric complication associated with high perinatal morbidity and mortality. A few interventions may improve fetal outcome. In developed countries these have advanced to giving ...

    Authors: Esau Wangi Wasswa, Sarah Nakubulwa and Twaha Mutyaba
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:12
  33. According to the World Health Organization, there are over 6.3 million perinatal deaths (PND) a year worldwide. Identifying the factors associated with PND is very helpful in building strategies to improve the...

    Authors: Paula Maria Silveira Soares Moura, Izildinha Maestá, Lígia Maria Souza Suppo Rugolo, Luís Felipe Ramos Berbel Angulski, Antônio Prates Caldeira, José Carlos Peraçoli and Marilza Vieira Cunha Rudge
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:11
  34. Most women report negative experience about the symptoms of uterine leiomyoma (UL) in their lives, such as abnormal uterine bleeding and pelvic pain. Many studies have been conducted about efficacy of UL treat...

    Authors: Luiz Gustavo Oliveira Brito, Marislei Sanches Panobianco, Maurício Mesquita Sabino-de-Freitas, Hermes de Freitas Barbosa, George Dantas de Azevedo, Luciane Maria Oliveira Brito and Francisco José Candido-dos-Reis
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:10
  35. Worldwide, about 287 000 women die each year from mostly preventable complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. A disproportionately high number of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. The Abiye (...

    Authors: Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi and Rolf Wynn
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:8
  36. Sexual coercion is prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa and is a risk factor for unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and mental health problems. Alcohol consumption patterns have been suggested ...

    Authors: Devika Mehra, Anette Agardh, Martin Stafström and Per-Olof Östergren
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:7
  37. A study of health facility (HF) data on women receiving sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy (IPTp) was carried out at antenatal care clinics in Mku...

    Authors: Godfrey M Mubyazi, Jens Byskov, Pascal Magnussen, Ib C Bygbjerg, Jasper N Ijumba, Mufungo Marero, Leonard EG Mboera, Fabrizio Molteni and Paul Bloch
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:6
  38. Globally, no qualitative studies have explored the perspectives of women and their partners about the integration of technology – and specifically diagnostic testing technologies – into antenatal care. The stu...

    Authors: Angela M Bayer, Lizzete Najarro, Mercedes Zevallos and Patricia J García
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:5
  39. Hypertensive disorders represent the major cause of maternal morbidity in middle income countries. The main objective of this study was to identify the prevalence and factors associated with severe maternal ou...

    Authors: Elvira Zanette, Mary Angela Parpinelli, Fernanda Garanhani Surita, Maria Laura Costa, Samira Maerrawi Haddad, Maria Helena Sousa, Joao Luiz Pinto e Silva, Joao Paulo Souza and Jose Guilherme Cecatti
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:4
  40. Clients of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services in South Africa who use contraception following childbirth rely primarily on short-acting methods like condoms, pills, and injectables, ev...

    Authors: Theresa Hoke, Jane Harries, Sarah Crede, Mackenzie Green, Deborah Constant, Tricia Petruney and Jennifer Moodley
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:3
  41. Sexuality and reproductive health are among the most fundamental aspects of life. Poor parental involvement in preparing young people for safe sexual life and good reproductive health was part of the blame for...

    Authors: Kasiye Shiferaw, Frehiwot Getahun and Getahun Asres
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:2
  42. Substantial numbers of adolescents experience the negative health consequences of early, unprotected sexual activity - unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortions, pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity and Sexu...

    Authors: Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Donna R McCarraher, Sharon J Phillips, Nancy E Williamson and Gwyn Hainsworth
    Citation: Reproductive Health 2014 11:1

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